


破產隔離 bankruptcy-remote
受益人 beneficiary
盲目信託 blind trust
營業信託 business trust
公益信託 charitable trust
房貸擔保債券 collateralized mortgage obligation,CMO
集合管理運用帳戶 collective investment trust funds
共同信託基金 collective trust fund/common trust fund
信託導管理論 conduit principle
信用加強 credit enhancement
保管業務 custody services
宣言信託 declaration of trust
裁量信託 discrtionary trust
忠實義務 duty of loyalty
員工福利信託 employees benefit trust
遺囑執行人 executor of wills
委託人 grantor/settlor/trustor
繼承人 inheritor
保險金信託 insurance claims trust
禁治產人 interdict
生前信託 inter vivos trust/living trust
不可撤銷信託 irrevocable
未成年人 minor
推定信託 presumptive trust
善良管理人 prudent administrator
謹慎投資人原則 prudent man rule
信託目的 purpose of the trust
評等機構 rating agency
不動產投資信託 real estate investment trust,REIT
不動產有限合夥 real estate limited partnership
不動產資產信託 real estate asset trust
可撤銷信託 revocable
住宅房貸擔保證券 residential mortgage-backed securities,RMBS
永久權禁止原則 rule against perpetuities
服務機構 servicing agent
特殊目的公司 special purpose company, SPC
特殊目的公司 special purpose entity, SPE
特殊目的信託 special purpose trust, SPT
特殊目的工具 special purpose vehicle, SPV
浪費者信託 spendthrift trust
遺囑信託 testamentary trust
信託存續期間 term of trust
真實出售 true sale
信託 trust
信託事務 trust affairs
信託財產評審委員會 trust asset assessment committee
受託人 trustee
信託契約 trust deed/contract
信託業 trust enterprise/trust company
金錢之信託 trust of money/pecuniary trust
金錢債權及其擔保物權之信託 trust of loans and related security interests /trust of encumbrance and related
有價證券之信託 trust of securities/securities trust
動產之信託 trust of movable property/movable property trust
不動產之信託 trust of real estate/real estate trust
租賃權之信託 trust of leases
地上權之信託 trust of superficies
專利權之信託 trust of patents
著作權之信託 trust of copyrights
其他財產權之信託 trust of other property rights
信託財產 trust property
信託登記 trust registration
信託監察人 trust supervisor
承銷機構 underwriter
遺囑 will
金融資產證券化施行細則 Enforcement Rules of Financial Asset Securitization Act
不動產證券化施行細則 Enforcement Rules of Real Estate Securitization Act
證券投資信託及顧問法 Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Act
不動產管理機構之一定條件及委任契約書之應記載事項 Qualifications of Real Estate Managerial Institutions and Contents of Entrusted Contracts
信託業設立標準 Establishment Criteria of Trust Enterprises
信託業負責人應具備資格條件暨經營與管理人員應具備信託專門學識或經驗準則 Guidelines for the Qualifications of Responsible Person of Trust Business and Special Knowledge or Experience
信託業應負之義務及相關行為規範 Obligations and code of Conducts of Trust Enterprises
信託業內部控制及稽核制度實施辦法 Implementation Rules for Internal Control and Auditing System of Trust Enterprises
證券投資信託基金保管機構辦理基金資產交割作業準則 Criteria for the Settlement of Fund Assets by Custody Institutions of Securities Investment and Trust Funds
信託資金集合管理運用管理辦法 Regulations on the Management of Collective Investment Trust Funds
共同信託基金管理辦法 Regulations on the Management of Collective Investment Trust Funds
境外基金管理辦法 Regulations Governing Offshore Funds
信託業內部控制制度標準規範 Guidelines for the Internal Control System of Trust Enterprises
境外基金電子交易作業準則 Guidelines for the Electronic Transactions of Offshore Funds
信託業經營與管理人員專門學識或經驗審定標準 Guidelines for the Qualifications of Responsible Persons and the Expertise or Experience of Operational and Managerial Personnel of Trust Enterprises
信託業務專業測驗合格證明書 Certificate for Professional Test on Trust Businesses
第一期信託業業務人員信託業務專業測驗(以此類推各期) First Qualification Examination for the Trust Specialist
督導人員 Supervisory personnel
管理人員 Managerial Personnel
業務人員 Business Personnel
信託業從業人員 Trust Personnel
遺產管理人 administrator of estates of deceased person
資產擔保證券 asset-back securites,ABS
資產池 asset pool
備位服務機構 backup servicers
破產人 bankrupt





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